Report on the Development of Transhumanism in Togo – by Siba Tcha-Mouza
Siba Tcha-Mouza
Editor’s Note: The U.S. Transhumanist Party features this overview of recent transhumanist progress in Togo from our Foreign Ambassador for Togo, Siba Tcha-Mouza. Here Mr. Tcha-Mouza focuses on the recent creation of the Lomé Data Centre and its implications for the spread of transhumanist ideas and opportunities on the African continent.
~ Gennady Stolyarov II, Chairman, United States Transhumanist Party, September 28, 2021
The policy of the United States Transhumanist Party is based primarily on science and technology allowing the improvement of the physical, mental, and moral characteristics of the human being. In practice, it is about the material, psychic, and social development of the human being thanks to the development of science and technology. In this perspective, our representation in Togo would like to congratulate the efforts of the Togolese authorities for the creation of a Tier III level data center called Lomé Data Centre and inaugurated on June 4, 2021.
This project was funded by the World Bank as part of the West African Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (WARCIP) regional infrastructure development program and is part of the growth strategy supported by digital transformation. It is an essential step forward for participation in the Fourth Technological Revolution.
The ambition to develop one of the fields of converging technologies makes it inevitable to explore all the other components of the fourth technological revolution. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer science, and neuroscience necessarily intervene on top of each other to resolve technical dead ends and sometimes open the door to unheard-of possibilities.
The creation of Lomé Data Centre would undoubtedly be a first step which will necessarily require the intervention of artificial intelligence (AI) to be more optimal. The mastery of this technological reality which is artificial intelligence (AI) will have a profound impact on almost all other fields by giving Togo a new impetus for technological development.
Our representation encourages such initiatives which are emerging more and more in Africa, and in particular in Togo, and hopes that other projects, within the framework of converging sciences and technologies, are born in order to accelerate scientific and technological research. Thus, Togo would ensure its technological transformation and participate in the Fourth Technological Revolution.
Siba Tcha-Mouza
United States Transhumanist Party Foreign Ambassador for Togo