Where to Write In Tom Ross for President of the United States – and How to Make Sure Your Vote Counts
Support the U.S. Transhumanist Party’s Endorsed Ross-Twedt 2024 Campaign! Write Them In!
The United States Transhumanist Party (USTP) offers this guidance to its members and to other interested persons among the general public who wish to support the USTP-endorsed ticket of Tom Ross (Thomas Ernest Ross, Jr.) for President of the United States and Daniel Twedt (Daniel Emerson Twedt) for Vice-President of the United States.
The USTP encourages as many U.S. registered voters as possible to write in Tom Ross and Daniel Twedt in every state where write-in options exist pursuant to law.
Find your state among the five categories listed on the map below. If you support the Ross-Twedt 2024 ticket, you are then encouraged to follow the guidance pertaining to that category of states.
During the 2025-2028 time period, the USTP hopes to continue collaborating with other alternative political parties and advocacy organizations to lower as many barriers to ballot access as possible, in as many jurisdictions as possible.
– States That Allow Automatic Write-In Access and Do Not Limit Ballot Pictures
– States That Allow Automatic Write-In Access – But Prohibit Ballot Pictures
– States That Disallow Write-In Candidates
– Why Vote Transhumanist in 2024?
“2024 elections: State by state guide to ballot selfies”. Catherine Stoddard. Live Now Fox. September 27, 2024.
“Write-In Voting”. U.S. Election Assistance Commission. April 2024.
States That Allow Automatic Write-In Access and Do Not Limit Ballot Pictures
Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wyoming
Actions Recommended: Write in Tom Ross as your Presidential candidate of choice.
E-mail us a picture of your marked ballot or simply let us know that you voted for Tom Ross. Send your e-mail to ustranshumanistparty@protonmail.com.
These states will probably count your vote, but we want to count your vote as well and do it sooner! Also, we have no guarantee that these states will publish known vote totals for write-in candidates, but we certainly will.
States That Allow Automatic Write-In Access – But Prohibit Ballot Pictures
New Jersey, South Carolina
Actions Recommended: Write in Tom Ross as your Presidential candidate of choice.
E-mail us to let us know that you voted for Tom Ross. Send your e-mail to ustranshumanistparty@protonmail.com.
However, please do not send pictures of marked ballots.
These states will probably count your vote, but we want to count your vote as well and do it sooner! Also, we have no guarantee that these states will publish known vote totals for write-in candidates, but we certainly will.
These states unfortunately prohibit “ballot selfies” or pictures of marked ballots, so please only tell us that you voted for Tom Ross but do not send us actual pictures. We will believe you and count your vote.
States That Allow Write-In Candidates and Do Not Limit Ballot Pictures – But We Need to Count the Votes
Arizona*, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida**, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia***
Actions Recommended: Write in Tom Ross as your Presidential candidate of choice.
E-mail us a picture of your marked ballot or simply let us know that you voted for Tom Ross. This will be important to ensure that your vote is counted, because the state will likely not publish the official totals. Send your e-mail to ustranshumanistparty@protonmail.com.
- Arizona does not limit pictures of one’s ballot when taken from home, but may limit photos and videos inside official voting locations.
** Florida prohibits photography inside polling places, but voters are allowed to take pictures of their own ballots.
*** West Virginia prohibits photography inside polling places, but voters are allowed to take pictures of their own ballots.
States That Allow Write-In Candidates – But Prohibit Ballot Pictures – But We Still Need to Count the Votes
Alaska, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin
Actions Recommended: Write in Tom Ross as your Presidential candidate of choice.
E-mail us to let us know that you voted for Tom Ross. However, please do not send pictures of marked ballots. Send your e-mail to ustranshumanistparty@protonmail.com.
E-mailing us to simply let us know you voted is highly encouraged, since this will be important to ensure that your vote is counted, because the state will likely not publish the official totals.
States That Disallow Write-In Candidates
Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Dakota
Actions Recommended: Vote your conscience for the candidate on the ballot you most prefer.
The above six states above unfortunately disallow write-in candidates for President and Vice-President altogether, and therefore you would not have the option to write in Tom Ross for President. The U.S. Transhumanist Party encourages you to vote your conscience based on which of the other candidates on the ballot would most closely reflect your personal views and policy preferences.
Note that even if you cannot write in the U.S. Transhumanist Party candidates, your alternatives are not limited to the duopoly. You have additional choices. (None of the candidates below are specifically endorsed by the U.S. Transhumanist Party. They are simply mentioned to provide examples of additional options that are available on the ballots in various states. Voters are encouraged to support the Ross-Twedt ticket when possible. When this is not possible, use your conscience and feel free to research additional options using available online resources.)
The Libertarian Party ticket of Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat is on the ballot in 48 states (with the exception of Illinois and New York). The Oliver / ter Maat ticket is on the ballot in the non-write-in states of Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Oklahoma, and South Dakota.
The Green Party ticket of Jill Stein and Butch Ware is on the ballot in 37 states. The Stein / Ware ticket is on the ballot in the non-write-in states of Hawaii, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
The campaigns of Cornel West and Melina Abdullah (Independent), Peter Sonski and Lauren Onak (American Solidarity Party), and Randall Terry and Stephen Broden (Constitution Party) are on the ballots in at least one of the states that disallow write-in candidates.
Chase Oliver, Jill Stein, and Randall Terry participated in the Presidential debates hosted by the Free and Equal Elections Foundation, including (for Oliver and Stein) the February 29, 2024, debate in New York City, co-sponsored by USTP Chairman Gennady Stolyarov II and other USTP members.
The U.S. Transhumanist Party is proud to be part of the Free and Equal Open Debates Coalition.
Why Vote Transhumanist in 2024?
In case you need additional persuasion to write in Tom Ross and support the Ross-Twedt ticket, here are some basic reasons.
- Your one vote will not decide the outcome of the Presidential election, even in battleground states. But it can send a message that the status quo is broken and a dramatic refocusing of American politics is needed. We can do better than the duopoly! The tragic Trump-Biden debate of June 27, 2024, clearly showed that America deserves far better spokespeople on the political stage – as if we needed further demonstration of this after their disgraceful debate of September 29, 2020, more than four years ago. While the subsequent Trump-Harris (September 10, 2024) and Vance-Walz (October 1, 2024) debates were somewhat more substantive and less egregious – still misleading in many of the candidates’ comments but closer to the historical “norm” of American politics – they were improvements relative to such an abysmally low baseline that we truly need a stratospheric elevation of the tone of the discourse in American politics. Just contrast what you heard from Trump, Biden, Harris, Vance, and Walz, with the thoughtful, civil, erudite responses of Tom Ross and Daniel Twedt to the questions from the Free and Equal Presidential Debate #2. (Watch them on YouTube here or view them on the USTP website here.)
- Let the political establishment know that ignoring science and technology is no longer palatable. Technological progress, particularly in medicine, is urgently needed to overcome the numerous crises of our time.
- Support dedicated life-extension advocates – enable them to reach new audiences and show them that radical life extension is feasible and desirable.
- Support a hopeful, empowering view of artificial intelligence and automation instead of reactionary responses based on fear and misunderstanding.
- Support a set of ideas directly aimed at using technology to improve human well-being, expand our rationality and curiosity, and set us on the path toward becoming a cosmic civilization – as outlined in Tom Ross’s Earthling, Artisanal Intelligence, and Extraterrestrial Initiatives.
- Help us build public awareness for policy discussions that the U.S. Transhumanist Party routinely engages in, regarding emerging technologies and how to accelerate innovation and progress. We have had a legislative success already! (Nevada, May 2019)
- Help grow membership of the U.S. Transhumanist Party for future activism, outreach, and societal change – building toward an immortal culture that embraces continuous progress and improvement and removal of barriers to these aspirations.
Get U.S. Transhumanist Party merchandise at our Zazzle Store.
You can purchase bumper stickers in a variety of designs, including the one above.
5 thoughts on “Where to Write In Tom Ross for President of the United States – and How to Make Sure Your Vote Counts”
Excellent progress. I will be writing in (Davidson County ,TN)
Greetings, Jessie. Thank you very much for your support of the Ross-Twedt campaign. It is greatly appreciated.
Gennady Stolyarov II
Chairman, United States Transhumanist Party
Sadly, I live in Nevada, a battleground state with no write-in option. Which major candidate (Trump or Harris) is better for transhumanism?
Greetings, Adam. I am of the view that both the Democratic and the Republican candidate for President would be equally bad in magnitude for transhumanism and for the future of America, but the nature of the specific ills they will inflict may differ. I myself would prefer Chase Oliver over Trump or Harris, since Oliver supports a policy of peace abroad and freedom at home. However, as the U.S. Transhumanist Party, we can only say to our members that they should vote according to their conscience if writing in our candidates is not an option.
If one of the candidates were an anarcho capitalist and a transhumanist or at least close to both I’d vote for them without hesitation