Results of Platform Vote #9 and Vote on Proposals on Investigations and Emergency Declarations; Adopted Sections of the U.S. Transhumanist Party Constitution
Gennady Stolyarov II
The U.S. Transhumanist Party conducted its twentieth vote of the members and the ninth vote on its Platform planks, as well as a vote on two competing sets of proposals on investigations and emergency declarations, between February 17 and March 10, 2025. Official ballot options can be found here.
Detailed results of the voting have been tabulated here. In three instances, where no majority was reached in the first round of voting, options were selected based on the ranked-preference method with instant runoffs.
As a result, the following new or amended sections of Article VI of the U.S. Transhumanist Party Constitution, as well as the new Article IX of the U.S. Transhumanist Party Constitution, were adopted.
Article VI. Platform [New Sections]
Section CXIX [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: Given that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the world and will not end as long as immunity from vaccination or prior infection can be bypassed by subsequent mutated escape variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the United States Transhumanist Party supports concerted scientific and technological efforts to eliminate COVID-19 as a threat to public health. These efforts may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
(i) Development of a universal vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus that would work against all possible variants of the virus and would confer lasting immunity.
(ii) Development of antibodies that are capable of neutralizing any variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
(iii) Development of reliable cures for all varieties of Long COVID or Post-COVID Syndrome.
The United States Transhumanist Party considers only scientific and technological solutions to be capable of eliminating COVID-19 as a threat to public health and does not support lockdowns, restrictions on individual liberty or medical choice, or demonization of individuals who make any personal health choices regarding their approach to COVID-19 precautions – including individuals who take extensive, moderate, mild, or no precautions. The United States Transhumanist Party also holds that no individual should be compelled to undertake any behaviors that may expose that individual to greater risk of contracting COVID-19.
Section CXX [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party supports approaching technologies of artificial intelligence primarily as opportunities rather than as threats. The potential of artificial intelligence, including generative AI, to foster creativity, solve problems, cure diseases, create new opportunities, and facilitate radical abundance far outweighs the risks and dangers of AI.
The United States Transhumanist Party recognizes that AI safety and AI alignment are important pursuits to maximize the probability of predominantly beneficial consequences from future AI systems.
Furthermore, the United States Transhumanist Party supports restrictions on the ability to use AI systems for intentionally destructive purposes; such restrictions would include a ban on autonomous weapons.
In addition, AI policy needs to address the known risks and harms that are created passively or unintentionally based on the human bias used while creating said AI. Stopping the intentional use of AI for harm does not go far enough, and it is necessary to ensure that AI is immune to biases such racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other similar forms of bias.
However, these efforts should be undertaken in a rational, proportionate, evidence-based manner, avoiding unsubstantiated speculation, alarmist hype, and doomsday pronouncements. Furthermore, the United States Transhumanist Party opposes any efforts to restrict individual liberty or initiate physically aggressive action against other individuals or countries in the name of stopping allegedly dangerous AI development.
Section CXXI [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: Recognizing that the achievement of reversible cryopreservation techniques could enable the realization of individuals’ right to life (brutally violated by so-called “natural” death) by waiting until future technologies could bring a cryopreserved patient out of the cryopreserved state and achieve cures for diseases and aging, the United States Transhumanist Party emphasizes the urgency of advancing reversible cryopreservation research. Therefore, the United States Transhumanist Party supports the allocation of an annual funding package of $10 billion for reversible cryopreservation research. This funding shall be expeditiously directed to esteemed research institutions with a proven track record of focusing on the development and implementation of reversible cryopreservation techniques.
Section CXXII [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party supports the implementation of the ‘Public Money for Public Code’ concept, which holds that public money should, where reasonably possible, come to benefit the public first and foremost, and secondarily might also benefit other parties as well.
Public code is understood as code that is publicly available and more commonly referred to as Open Source, for example code released under the GPLv3 (General Public License version 3). The reasoning of ‘Public Money for Public Code’ is that public money should not be spent on proprietary software that benefits a select group of companies, but rather used to support Open-Source projects that are alternatives to proprietary software. As Open-Source software is available for free to the public, said stimulus of Open-Source software could benefit both the public as well as public institutions. An example here could be an alternative to Microsoft Office, such as LibreOffice.
Many Open-Source projects operate via volunteers contributing to the project’s efforts. Opening up the possibility to receive funding for a project could incentivize more people to contribute to a project, and perhaps even use contribution to Open-Source projects as a means of stable income. This incentivizes citizens to participate, as besides the admirable goal of doing good for the public, it also contributes to the participants’ livelihood, or helps them decide to split their worktime between the roles of an employee and a self-employed contributor.
Likewise, this might incentivize software companies to participate as well, as it can earn them revenue. It would, however, be important to observe that companies do not drown out individual contributors, as this could have a detrimental effect on incentivizing public participation.
The public participation would be an important element of the ‘Public Money for Public Code’ implementation, as it would also be a public showcase to stimulate interest in programming in education and beyond.
Section CXXIII [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party supports efforts for social media to improve privacy settings, in granularity, usability, as well as awareness of such privacy features, for users. Better control of privacy can minimize the scraping of information, including information that can be used for identifying targets by malicious actors, from websites.
Section CXXIV [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party supports efforts to restrain government agencies from efforts to limit, oppose, or undermine security initiatives by companies and businesses. For instance, government agencies should not be able to request that private companies build “back doors” into their software to enable government agencies to access digital devices or systems in the course of an investigation. Although their motives might be pure, to uncover criminal activity for example, such efforts can in the process undermine security on a much larger scale. If government agencies can have access, so can malicious actors.
Section CXXV [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party supports efforts to create a security whistleblower initiative where a whistleblower can report known security issues that are not being addressed by a company or government institution. This could also aid the whistleblower in the event that they would suffer negative consequences by their employer for addressing security issues.
Article VI. Platform [Amended Sections]
Section XXVII [Adopted by a vote of the members during March 26 – April 1, 2017; amended by a vote of the members during November 11-17, 2017; amended by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party advocates Constitutional reform to abolish the Electoral College in the United States Presidential elections and render the criterion for the election of President to be an outcome of the popular vote decided by ranked-preference voting or a similar mechanism that allows voters to select multiple options in a manner that more completely expresses their views.
Section XXXVI [Adopted by a vote of the members during May 7-13, 2017; amended by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party supports the elimination of graduated taxation and income taxation more generally. Instead, the United States Transhumanist Party advocates a flat percentage-of-sales tax applicable only to purchases from businesses whose combined nationwide revenues from all affiliates exceed a specified threshold. This tax would not be imposed on life necessities, defined as goods that are consumable in the near term and whose primary purpose is to facilitate human survival. This tax should be built into the price of goods from such large businesses and should not impede transaction efficiency in any manner. Transactions pertaining to wages, salaries, gifts, donations, barter, employee benefits, and inheritances should remain completely untaxed, as should transactions involving solely individuals and/or small businesses, for whom the establishment of a tax-reporting infrastructure would be onerous. Furthermore, all taxes on land and property should be abolished.
Section XCIX [Adopted by a vote of the members during March 25-28, 2020; amended by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party advocates for all American residents to continue to receive free health care for the disease of COVID-19, including free testing, vaccination, antiviral medications, and any other services involved in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. The priority for this program should be to prevent massive and irreparable economic and health disruptions to the lives of Americans in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic. Requiring consumers and patients to pay for COVID-related care would increase the number of people who refuse to obtain vaccination or treatment for purely financial reasons, thus amplifying the difficulty of ever defeating COVID-19 – an endeavor that is aided by maximizing the amount of immunity and available health care for the population.
Section CI [Adopted by a vote of the members during March 25-28, 2020; amended by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: In recognition that the recent unprecedented and prolonged patterns of flight delays and cancellations at United States airports create situations of unacceptable detriments to quality of life and mobility to American passengers and were due directly to the supply-chain disruptions, aircraft shortages, labor shortages, and poor decisions by major airlines to cut staff in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, the United States Transhumanist Party advocates for measures to enable airlines which reduced aircraft counts and dismissed staff during the COVID-19 epidemic to purchase or construct sufficient aircraft to replace the reduced capacity, to actively utilize such aircraft and restore prior routes, and to offer to re-hire all staff members who were dismissed as a result of prior responses to the epidemic. In the event that specific individual former staff members do not wish to return to their previous positions, they should be replaced with others who are willing to take on those roles for appropriate compensation and benefits. Sufficient incentives should be offered to airlines to allow pre-COVID flight, maintenance, and staffing levels to continue indefinitely.
Section CII [Adopted by a vote of the members during March 25-28, 2020; amended by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party supports the recall of as many United States military personnel from overseas stations as reasonably possible, with the exception of those specifically needed to defend American assets and American citizens and to carry out specific and limited previously agreed-upon treaty obligations, and their deployment for the purpose of improving domestic defense, infrastructure, and crisis response in providing peaceful assistance to the civilian population in times of major disruptions to everyday life.
Section CIII [Adopted by a vote of the members during March 25-28, 2020; amended by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party supports the rapid research into effective lasting cures and vaccines for COVID-19, such as antibodies that respond to all variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and vaccines that permanently protect against all such variants, and the harnessing of synergies from this research to also develop a cure for the common cold and more effective vaccination against influenza. Such research should proceed with no barriers, subject to the researchers’ expression of ethical intentions, and any regulations or processes that would delay the progress of such research should be immediately waived or repealed. In the effort to accelerate progress in this field, the United States Transhumanist Party advocates for an immediate $100 billion funding package for the rapid development of a universal COVID-19 vaccine that would be permanently effective against all variants, with all volunteers being accepted into human trials as soon as practicable. The United States Transhumanist Party advocates for government funding and release into the public domain of any cure or future vaccine for COVID-19, to be distributed free of charge to those infected with the virus and to all who wish to prevent such infection.
Section CIV [Adopted by a vote of the members during March 25-28, 2020; amended by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: Because biological aging is the number-one risk factor for mortality and disabilities in elderly people, as well as infections of virtually every sort, and thus brutally violates the fundamental rights of people to life and health, the United States Transhumanist Party emphasizes the importance of reversing biological aging as rapidly as possible and thereby protecting more lives, including from future pandemics. Accordingly, the United States Transhumanist Party advocates for a permanent, annual $100 billion funding package for anti-aging research, to be immediately distributed to leading research organizations in the field which have in the past specifically identified the defeat and reversal of biological aging as their goals.
Section CX [Adopted by a vote of the members during March 25-28, 2020; amended by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The United States Transhumanist Party supports the ongoing, continuous, and indefinite deployment of as many COVID-19 diagnostic tests as possible to the general population, with the aim of achieving universal testing of every American, even those without symptoms, free of charge. Universal testing is necessary to understand the true prevalence of COVID-19 infections and the proportion of serious cases and fatalities relative to actual total cases, not merely reported cases. This would enable a true understanding of the extent of the epidemic’s spread as well as how the rates of serious complications and death compare to the common cold and influenza. The United States Transhumanist Party supports generous aid to manufacturers of effective diagnostic tests for COVID-19 that can recognize emerging variants, such that those tests could be manufactured in sufficient quantity to provide a test to every American who wants one.
The United States Transhumanist Party achieved success in advocating for COVID-19 testing kits to be developed that could result in tests being self-administered by individuals in their own homes. This has reduced the physical contact of individuals being tested with medical practitioners and other patients. However, the United States Transhumanist Party expresses concern regarding significant lack of data about the ongoing prevalence of COVID-19 within communities in the United States. Such data, which used to be tracked rigorously and published regularly, have now become sparse and have failed to capture all sources of COVID-19 infection. In order to be able to track the spread of new variants of the virus, authorities need to return to the level of data collection and publication that existed during the early pandemic in 2020.
Article IX. Emergency Actions [New Sections]
Section I. [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: When executive action is required in the face of a serious threat, the Chairman must have the authority to act decisively.
This Section reasserts the Chairman’s authority to act decisively in defense of individuals, groups, or organizations by expressing the delegated support of the Party for the individual, group, or organization under assault. The Chairman retains the authority to advocate for those individuals, groups, or organizations whose goals align with those of the Party. The Chairman is not required to seek the approval of a majority of the party membership to act on behalf of the Party, nor does he have to provide justification for his support.
Section II. [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The authority of the Chairman to act on behalf of the Party is not intended to supersede the authority of the Party to determine the Party’s position on a particular issue, nor is it intended to diminish the responsibility of the Party to take a position on a particular issue.
The Chairman will retain the authority to act on behalf of the Party, at his or her own discretion, to advocate on behalf of the Party and its members in the event of an emergency, defined as any event that may significantly impact the realization of the goals of the Party as outlined in the Platform.
Section III. [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The Party will seek to continuously empower the Chairman to act on behalf of its members by codifying his/her authority to do so in a manner that is consistent with the principles and standards of the Party, and is consistent with the existing authority of the Party to advocate on behalf of its members as a whole.
The Chairman is empowered to act as the Party’s representative, and to make statements on behalf of the Party, to the media and the public; to advocate on behalf of any individual, group, or organization that supports the Party and its Platform, as well as on behalf of the Party’s members and the Party’s philosophy, goals, and objectives; to promote the Party’s agenda, candidates, and policies; and to respond to attacks on the Party, or on its members, allies, or affiliates.
Section IV. [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]:The Chairman has the ability to designate individuals and organizations as “allies” of the Party at his or her discretion, and to permit such “allies” to represent themselves to the public and the media as “allies” and “members” of the Party. Such “allies” are encouraged but not required to support the Platform.
Section V. [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]:Party members may not seek to compel the Chairman to retract any statement made on behalf of the Party or its allies, affiliates or members; nor may any Party member seek to compel the Chairman to retract any statement made on behalf of the Party or its allies, affiliates, or members by anyone who was so designated by the Chairman. This does not prohibit individual Party members from criticizing a decision of the Chairman, as long as that criticism does not stray into attempted compulsion.
Section VI. [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The Chairman and any of the Chairman’s designees shall strive to ensure the following:
(i) The Party is adequately represented in all communications with the public and the media. In some cases, it may be appropriate to have two or more representatives from the Party speak on behalf of the Party.
(ii) The Party is able to provide key information to the public and the media in a timely manner, through press releases, interviews, and particularly social-media commentary.
(iii) The Party is able to have a significant and positive impact on the outcome or resolution of the emergency.
(iv) The Party is able to respond to attacks on the Party, or on any of its members, allies, or affiliates.
Section VII. [Adopted by a vote of the members during February 17 – March 10, 2025]: The Party hereby empowers the Chairman in a manner that is consistent with the principles and standards of the Party, and is consistent with the existing authority of the Party to advocate on behalf of its members and its Platform. The Party shall further make every effort to ensure that the Party, its members, and the Chairman are able to advocate for the Party and its members on a permanent and eternal basis.
It is in the interest of the Party to remain relevant, not only to the Party itself, but to the public, and it is in the spirit of that interest that the Party empowers the Chairman.
A good-faith effort shall be made to ensure that the Chairman has the opportunity to respond to attacks on the Party, or on any of its members, allies, or affiliates, and finally to ensure that the Chairman is able to engage in the activities described in this Section for the entire substantive duration of any emergency.