Humanity’s Origin is Our Future Again – TAFFD’s Gen4IR Summit – March 24-25, 2022
Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions
Editor’s Note:Β The United States Transhumanist Party shares this announcement from our allies at TAFFD’s, the Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions, to spread awareness of the forthcoming Gen4IR Summit in South Africa on March 24-25, 2022, and to provide information to anyone who is interested in attending and hearing the impressive and diverse range of future-oriented speakers – including many leading transhumanist thinkers – who will be participating.
~ Gennady Stolyarov II, Chairman, United States Transhumanist Party, February 15, 2022
What do you think about Africa at the twilight of the 21st Century as an inventor/innovator, scientist, philosopher, and futurist?
What you think about Africa is as important as what you do for her.
Our uniqueness is stamped upon us by nature itself, and so is the mission to carry it on. But, living in a world faced with ideological supremacy, how do we aggregate the insights of over 3 billion minds across different fields, and how does the ethical usage of such insights become a concern?
However, it was only natural to begin this journey where the roots of humanity lay – Africa.
We are glad to invite you to this year’s Generation 4IR Summit as an inventor, innovator, investor, and policymaker. We hope that you will be able to be part of this industry-leading summit.
Thus, futurists, transhumanists, singularitarians, longevity scientists, and industry pioneers will converge to produce ideas that will inspire projects that will drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution starting from the cradle of humankind to set the stage for the younger generation.
Our agenda for you is much more than a meeting of minds. We are welcoming you to a distinctively African reserve where bison, gazelles, and nearly 300 species of birds call home. Tourists will have an opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage of the cradle of humankind, from which novel ideas for a new Africa will blossom.
She is once again inviting you for the second time to witness her rebirth of human civilization.
And it begins on March 24th to the 25th of March 2022. At the Convention Center, Sun City Resort, North West, South Africa.
To learn more about this summit, visitΒ
In attendance are leading pioneers of rare technological and developmental impact across different industries. Some of the speakers are identified below.
1. Professor. Pius Adewale Owolawi
HOD Computer System Engineering
Topic- Education as a Necessity for Setting the 4IR Generation Stage
Tshwane University of Technology
South Africa
2. Bill Andrews, PhD
Sierra Sciences Founder and CEO
Topic: The Promise of Telomere Biology to Reverse Aging
3. Jose Luis Cordeiro
MIT Engineer, Founder of TransVision, Singularitarian and Immortalist
Topic: The Future of the Future: Singularity
Madrid, Spain
4. Professor Ndubuisi Ekekwe
Inventor, Lead Faculty Tekedia Institute
Topic: The Cambrian Moment is Here
5. Catatrix (Dr. Catherine Demetriades)
Topic: CXAITechnologies for Quantum Medical Diagnostics
6. David Mukomana
Apimodia Regional Commission President
Topic: Apicultural Science for Sustainable Development
7. Ojochogwu S. Abdul
Philosopher & Founder, Transhumanists Africa.
Topic: Transhumanism and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Africa
Kogi State University, Nigeria.
8. David Emanuel Suchefort
CEO and Co-Founder The Pschentrix Inventor
Topic: Pschentrix Cities, Blockchain Integration
9. Prof. Mehzbeen Sadriwala PhD
Topic: Preparing Future Leaders Today for Tomorrow’s Challenges and Opportunities.
Shaqra University, Saudi Arabia
10. Sarita Sharma PhD
Author, Academician, Editor in Chief Magazine of the Future
Topic: Effective Collaboration through Education for Social Entrepreneurs in the Digital Age
11. Jaizal Ali
Director – RedTeam Hacker Academy
Topic: Zero Trust Architecture – Visibility Beyond End Points
12. Felipe Kirsten
Founder GameLitX, Futurist, Author
Topic: Non-Fungible Tokens, Storytelling, Futures Thinking
Johannesburg, South Africa
13. Rohit Talwar
CEO, Fast Future
Topic: Africa 2030 – Unlocking a Very Human Future
London, England
15. Duduzile Ndwandwe
Data Urban Scientist
Topic – Digital Governance, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
South Africa
16. Kevin Allen
Chief Community Officer OpenExo
Topic: Building Exponential Leaders for an Abundant Africa, Now
Cape Town
17. Ryan Macquest
Founder Africa Electric Sport Association.
Topic: Esport, Far More Than Just a Game.
South Africa
18. David Wood
Chair London Futurists
Topic: 4IR and the Case for Active Transhumanism
19.Dirug Samuel Yugoro
Big Family 360 Foundation
Topic: Using Technology to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence
20. Adam James Davis
Topic: Abolition of Suffering through Human Ingenuity
Nottingham, England
21. Ugo Chukwu
The Propounder of Individually Propelled Growth (IPG), COO TAFFDβs
Topic: Building Thinking and Learning Infrastructure for Organizational Growth
22. AI Karaki
Founder and CEO, 4iAfrica, Inventor, Serial Entrepreneur
Topic: Growing Systems – Aquaponics, Hydroponics, and Vertical Food Gardens
23. Edward Hudgins Ph.D
Founder, Human Achievement Alliance.
Topic: A Liberty Policy Path to Unleash Africa’s Techno-Entrepreneurs
24. Dr. Doris N. Morah, PhD
Communication and New Media
Topic: Digitization, Technology, and Global Pandemic: The African Experience
Madonna University, Nigeria
25. Nicky Verd
Author, Tech Influencer
Topic: The Rise of Africa Digital Economy
Johannesburg, South Africa
For more information, sponsorship and participation, contact:
Carla de Jager
PCO TAFFD’s Gen4ir Summit
+27 83 376 2368
VAT 464 0232 106