MouseAge: Using Artificial Intelligence to Determine Age and Assess Therapies Against Aging – Project by
United States Transhumanist Party
According to Article 3, Section V of the Constitution of the United States Transhumanist Party:
“The United States Transhumanist Party supports concerted research in effort to eradicate disease and illness that wreak havoc upon and cause death of sapient beings. We strongly advocate the increase and redirection of research funds to conduct research and experiments and to explore life, science, technology, medicine, and extraterrestrial realms to improve all sentient entities.”
Which is why the U.S. Transhumanist Party is pleased to announce the official launch of the fundraising campaign for the MouseAge project. MouseAge is a longevity-based project started by one of our Allied Organizations,, of which we’ll provide relevant information below:
Description by Here at MouseAGE we are aiming to create an artificial intelligence-powered research tool to help scientists accurately determine the biological age of mice and test longevity interventions based on photographic images of mice. This will introduce the first visual biomarker for aging in mice, and will helpvalidate potential anti-aging interventions, save animal lives, and greatly speed up the pace of longevity research.
Looking at a person, we can estimate his/her age and even tell something about their health based on skin tone, pigmentation and elasticity, hair graying and other parameters. A person’s appearance can provide an important clue for a doctor.
When it comes to mice, however, the human eye cannot define subtle changes in the appearance of such a tiny animal with enough accuracy, and this is where modern technologies can help.
By using machine learning combined with visual recognition, MouseAGE will learn to recognize mice from images, to define their body parts, and finally to detect the subtle visual biomarkers of aging. Detailed analysis of this data and detection of how it correlates with other biological phenomena will then allow researchers to assess potential anti-aging interventions at an early stage of the experiment and in a much less invasive way. This approach works for humans, and we think it will work for mice as well.
We also hope that because MouseAGE will help scientists collect important data faster it can also reduce the number of animals required for experimentation and avoiding unnecessary animal suffering. Let’s use the capacities of artificial intelligence to accelerate rejuvenation research, make it more effective, and help achieve healthy aging in both mice and humans!
Will you help us make the world a better place for both humans and mice?
Support MouseAge by donating here: